Honda Formula 4 Stroke

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Getting Involved - Equipment and Costs

Ok so you want to get involved with Honda 4 Stroke racing....
Fantastic! ....
But what does it cost?
Costs obtained from: Cougar Marine
Honda Sport Racer (225hp Class)
Boat complete with competition engine(new) £41,815.00
Boat (second hand)In the region of £30,000-£35,000
Twin axle bunked trailer£2,332.00
Trailer Flushing Kit£125.00
Trailer wheel and holder£63.00
Navman 5500GPS & repeater£806.00
Twin Ram Steering£1,150.00
Mechanical Trim Indicator£410.00
Boat cover£984.00
Buoyancy Bags£346.00
Spare Propeller£320.00
Lift Strops£380.00

Honda Sport Cruiser (150hp Class)
Boat complete with competition engine(new) £28,900.00
Boat (second hand)In the region of £16,000 upwards
Twin axle bunked trailer£1,893.00
Trailer Flushing Kit£125.00
Trailer wheel and holder£63.00
Navman 5500GPS & repeater£806.00
Mechanical Trim Indicato£410.00
Boat cover£964.00
Buoyancy Bags£304.00
Spare Propeller£296.00
Lift Strops£380.00

Optional Safety Equipment:
Neptune Intercom system & VHF radio - £1000.00
Frode Competition Life Jackets - £452.00 each
Grabneur Life Jackets - £125.00 each
Safety Kit - £225.00
Dockline Kit - £160.00
Trailer board - £510.00
All prices are excluding Vat. Both classes carry two years engine warranty from new

Mandatory Racing Equipment - approximate costs
Race entry:
All teams pay an entry fee for the season which allows them to race in the five grands prix:
150 Class = £1,000.00 + Vat (1,175.00)
225 Class = £1,500.00 + Vat (1,750.00)
Racing licence:
Competitors must have an RYA racing licence, in 2007 the cost of this license was £300.00: the cost of the 2008 license will not be known until January/February 2008.
To obtain this licence a medical (approx £25-£70) and affiliated club membership (UKOBA) are required (£50).
The licence includes £25,000 personal accident and £25,000 legal liability cover.
Life jackets:
Crew members must wear a life vest at all times when racing and testing. These must comply with regulations in the RYA PB1 rule book: from £150 to £400 each.
Crash helmets:
Crew members must wear an approved crash helmet at all times when racing and testing. These can be either open or full face and must be fluorescent orange. It must have a kite mark, comply with BS 6658b standards and carry the boat number: from £175 to £450 each.
VHF radio:
Boats must carry a marine VHF radio: from £230.
Radios must be licensed through the appropriate agency: @£25.
Safety equipment:
Boats must carry mandatory safety equipment. This includes two flares, paddles, cold compress, bucket, fire extinguisher, retirement flag and a hand bilge pump: from £214.
Line pack:
Boats must carry dock lines and an anchor set: from £160.
Race overalls:
Crew must wear a suitable set of race overalls when racing or testing: approx £90-£200.
Race fuel:
Boat refuelling should be done at petrol stations, as marina prices are usually 10-20 pence per litre more expensive: £120 per race.
Standard engine servicing:
150 = from £500; 225 = from £1000
This excludes racing, which are covered by the RYA licence: 150 = from £550; 225 = from £750
Varies depending on location and quality. A typical weekend is 2-3 nights.
Transport and fuel
The boat can be towed behind most family size cars (1800kg). The fuel cost depends on race location.
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